

阮國旋出生於廣東台山。從少喜愛音樂、戲劇、書法及繪畫等藝術。由七三年開始跟隨伯父(阮東昇)學習鑼鼓技藝,其後拜名師曾鉅源、楊耀海門下學藝。在學校讀書時,常參加文娛班演出”現代樣板戲” ,為樂團掌板。 七七年中學畢業後適逢廣東粵劇復興,先後参加廣州市 “越秀曲藝團” 及 “廣東順德粵劇一團” 和 “江門市粵劇團” 任職擊樂。 八五年獲聘出任 ”廣州市羊城粵劇團” 掌板。九二年移民加國後曾任多倫多市多個文娛團體之掌板。 二○○二年在多市成立[國旋雅集],致力發展及推動粵劇曲藝。曾多次被邀請到紐約、波士頓、三藩市、溫哥華、卡加利、滿地可等地之粵劇曲藝社擔任擊樂領導,與各地曲藝界作藝術交流,為粵劇藝術作出貢獻。 2013年任温哥華燕鳳鳴粤剧擊樂總監。In 1985, 阮国旋 was offered and accepted the position of percussion master of “Guangzhou Yangcheng Cantonese Opera Troupe”. In 1992, he immigrated to Toronto and became the percussion master of many Cantonese opera organizations. In 2002, Mr. Ruan founded Guo Xuan Ya Ji Music Society in Toronto. His goal is to develop and promote Cantonese opera. Over the years, Mr. Ruan has been invited to participate in the performances with various Cantonese opera organizations as percussion master in New York, Boston, San Francisco, Vancouver, Calgary, and Montreal. Mr. Ruan has contributed tremendously towards the development, promotion and preservation of Cantonese opera in Canada. In 2013, Mr. Ruan became the Percussion Director of the Vancouver Cantonese Opera.


燕鳳鳴粵劇團 鳴謝Musqueam (瑪斯昆),Squamish (史戈米殊)和Tsleil-Waututh (塔斯裏爾-沃特斯)部族,讓我們可以在這片美麗的原住民土地上 促進和保存粵劇文化。

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