

自小醉心粵曲粵劇,曾為香港八和粤劇學院第四屆學生,及後因工作及生活而放下多年。 近十年來再重新拾起,承蒙多位名師前輩指導,於陳器師父門下受教唱腔及聲樂,也曾於戲曲及劇藝上得到楊明、文千歲、植伯根、李少華、樊錦華、等名師之指導,近年也追隨湯家㐨師父門下學習曲藝及樂理,李少華老師指導身段,目前仍不斷在曲藝劇藝上學習及鑽研中。並關注及參與福音粵曲之事奉!移居溫市後被邀於燕鳳鳴劇團參與演出,且能獲各前輩給予演出機會,增進演藝経驗。希望盡力學好,演好! In the past ten years, I have resumed my interest under the skillful guidance of many famous teachers including Yang Ming, Man Chin Sui, Zhi Bogen, Li Siu Wah, Fan Jinhua, etc. I have perfected my singing techniques under Master Tong Ga Jui, and my performance techniques under Teacher Lee Siu Wah. I have also participated in the ministry of Gospel Cantonese Opera! After immigrating to Vancouver, I have been given the opportunity to perform in the Vancouver Cantonese Opera productions, which has enhanced my experience in performing arts.


燕鳳鳴粵劇團 鳴謝Musqueam (瑪斯昆),Squamish (史戈米殊)和Tsleil-Waututh (塔斯裏爾-沃特斯)部族,讓我們可以在這片美麗的原住民土地上 促進和保存粵劇文化。

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