

Collaboration – Langara College

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New Works Pitch Program

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Vancouver Cantonese Opera “The Prop Master’s Dream” was chosen as one of the 5 projects to receive a special boost of support.

The Association for Opera in Canada is a membership-based association for opera companies, opera artists, businesses, teaching institutions, and individuals. Our mandate is to create and sustain an environment that makes opera central to Canadian life. We work with members across the sector to mitigate challenges, celebrate successes, and help opera thrive in a changing environment. We are a communications hub, a connector and convenor, a champion and catalyst for change, and a relentless advocate.

The voice of opera in Canada

AOC has launched a program to support new works, with a focus on Equity-seeking artists. This program, in its pilot year, helps new creators in the fields of opera and music theatre to produce their works, get them on stage, and get them on the road.

Click below for details:

New Works Pitch Program Virtual Portal (

Congratulations to 5 Featured Projects

Launching our Pitch New Works Program



燕鳳鳴粵劇團 鳴謝Musqueam (瑪斯昆),Squamish (史戈米殊)和Tsleil-Waututh (塔斯裏爾-沃特斯)部族,讓我們可以在這片美麗的原住民土地上 促進和保存粵劇文化。

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